Jayesh Gupta
2 min readJun 20, 2021


JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages, every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at, displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which HTML and CSS.

Companies are using Javascript

There are over 1.6 billion websites in the world, and JavaScript is used on 95% of them (1.52 billion websites with JavaScript).

BUT 10 major companies also using javascript :

  • Microsoft
  • PayPal
  • Netflix
  • Groupon
  • Uber
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • eBay
  • Walmart
  • LinkedIn

1. Netflix

Lowers startup time with Node.js

Netflix, which has over 182 million subscribers worldwide (October 2019), has been trying to improve interface loading speed for a better user experience. Until 2015, it was using a JAVA backend, which was useful for data management but offered poor user-wait times. Since the Javascript frontend didn’t communicate efficiently with the JAVA backend, Netflix decided to move to Node.js to leverage the performance benefits of node.js.

Why Netflix moved to node.js

  • Monolithic application design made it hard to scale the application with the growing user base.
  • The transition from the backend to the frontend was not smooth, resulting in higher load time, often causing latency at the end-user level.
  • UI customization as per user needs was hard to achieve due to synchronous loading.
  • JAVA’s bulky build time reduced development and deployment speeds.

Benefits of Node.js to Netflix

  • A dramatic 70% lower startup time. Netflix interface that took 5–10 seconds earlier, now just took a little over 1 second.
  • JAVA’s 40 minute startup time came down to 1 minute with Node.js.
  • The application became micro service-oriented, making it easy to break up the UI into smaller segments, rather than one large block.
  • As Node is also Javascript, the backend to frontend transition was significantly improved.

“Node has proven so handy, that the company is expanding its use to other layers of the stack”, said Kim Trott, director of user interface engineering at Netflix.

Thank you For Reading😊😊

