Salary Predictor App Using Machine Learning and Docker

Jayesh Gupta
2 min readMay 31, 2021



It is a ML Based App that predicts salary on the basis of year of experience of the employee.

Task Overview

👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container

👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container

👉 In Container, Create machine learning model

Now, let’s start the task !!

First we have to setup Docker

First of all login with root account and then go to cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

Create the file for docker repo with any name in my case I have given docker12.repo

Use command –

yum install docker-ce –nobest -> to install docker 18th version. Now Docker is installed.

Now make a new Directory. I have made task1 directory.

Now add container image and launch centos container

Now make a new Directory and create 2 files marks.cvs and

Now install python3, pandas, pyfiglet and LinearRegression.

Finally We have created Salary Predictor App Using Machine Learning and Docker

To run -> python3

Task Completed

Thanks for Reading :)



Jayesh Gupta
Jayesh Gupta

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